Automatic delivery is a service we provide to insure you do not run out of heating oil when you need it most. As an automatic delivery customer, we monitor your usage so you don’t have to. Our calculations are based on two main factors that, when combined, can be very accurate at estimating your heating needs. These two factors are:
- Heating Degree Days: This is a measurement that reflects how much energy is needed to heat a building based on the outside air temperature. Heating degree days are a measure of how much, in degrees, the outside air temperature was below a certain level (typically 65 degrees Fahrenheit) on a given day. This information is entered into your account daily so the computer knows how quickly your home uses a gallon of heating fuel at a given temperature average.
- Past usage: Every house is different. Older homes with poor insulation and inefficient furnaces will use more fuel than a neighbor with a new house and updated equipment. Someone who works from home will also have different usage than someone who is out of the house for the day. Our computer adjusts the calculation for your home with each delivery, making it more accurate with each passing season.