Thank you for helping us as we advance towards a better future! Our families live and play in the same communities as you, so the sustainability of our environment matters to all of us. To that extent we want you to know what Pricerite Oil is doing to help reduce our carbon footprint. * In September 2021 Pricerite Oil completed the 35.5kw sun tracker solar farm pictured above that will power the majority of our business needs. The sun tracker solar panels follow the sun throughout the day to produce up to 25% more energy than stationary solar panels. We are excited about the completion of this fantastic project and the lasting impact it will have. • We only deliver premium Bioheat® fuel. It is a blended fuel that is better for your home and the environment. Bioheat® fuel reduces your heating system maintenance while dramatically reducing emissions. • We have been feverishly installing Gremlin® smart gauges in as many of your homes as possible before the winter season. The smart gauges accurately tell us when to deliver so no matter what changes in your home, we will be on top of the changes to your heating oil usage. The Gremlin® gauge also significantly reduces truck emissions by eliminating unnecessary trips to your home. • We have also been investing in cutting edge software that will efficiently route our trucks to all of your homes. We will be able to serve you faster while driving less miles, burning less diesel fuel and reducing carbon emissions. • Thanks to all of you, moving toward a paperless system has been effortless. Most of you have elected to receive all of your communication paperless, thereby eliminating thousands of sheets of paper per year.
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1. Strategic planning
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2. 360 solutions
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3 . vision creation
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“Your Home Should Tell The Story Of Who You Are And Be A Collection Of What You Love”